Fundraising - Boosters Incorporated
Call Us Today! 800.633.1906 |
Call Us Today! 800.633.1906 |

School Fundraising is Easy with Spirit Gear from Boosters Inc.

Call our office for details: 800-633-1906
  1. GET YOUR SPIRIT PRODUCTS SPONSORED! Let a sponsor advertise on your product and help pay for your costs!

  2. SELL PRINT ADS ON YOUR SPIRIT PRODUCTS! This is one of our top fundraisers… Sell ad space on the back side of your custom printed seat cushions, sell the seat cushions to your fans and make up to $1000 profit! One school sold 16 ads for $75.00 each and collected $1200.00, they bought 250 of Boosters 2″ SC-14 cushions for a total cost of $1702.50. They sold 250 cushions at $10.00 each and made a total profit of $1997.50. (see page 53 in our catalog for breakdown of figures.) 

  3. AWARENESS PRODUCTS! Look for our pink awareness products that are available in our PINK/AWARENESS PRODUCTS SECTION. Boosters will donate a percentage of sales, made specifically for pink awareness to charity.

  4. SPIRIT BOOTH OR SCHOOL SPIRIT STORE! Stock your store or booth before the season with a variety of our most popular spirit products! Offer a mix of stock and customized products, sell them to your loyal fans and raise money!

  5. SELL SPIRIT PACKS! Buy several of our spirit items and make your own spirit packs to sell to fans!

  6. SELL SCHOOL T-SHIRTS THE EASY WAY! Let us set up a web site for your school or organization to order the t-shirts from. Fans pay online therefore students or teachers do not have to collect for the shirts. Simply send out the link to the site, there is no door to door selling so it is a safe way to raise money! Set a date for the sale to go through and we deliver the items. All you have to do is pass them out to the students on the list that is provided with your order. Call us at 800-633-1906 for details!


  1. GET FREE RIBBONS WITH A RIBBON SPONSOR! This is a great way to involve the community and get your ribbons FREE!
  2. OFFER RIBBONS TO ELEMENTARY & JR. HIGH SCHOOLS! These sales to these students will increase your sales market!
  3. ESTABLISH “RIBBON SALES” GOALS FOR EACH CHEERLEADER! Once they have met their goal they will be exempt from ribbon sales for the season!
  4. TAKE THE HASSLE OUT OF WEEKLY RIBBON SALES. Divide some of your ribbons into packages (one ribbon for each game) and have your cheerleaders sell them as pre-season packages. This will greatly reduce the number of ribbons you will have to sell each week. Set up a booth at school registration, booster club meetings, or PTA meetings to sell your packages. Use the remainder of your weekly ribbons to sell to those who didn’t purchase packages. School fundraising doesn’t have to be hard!